March 2013 - Arturo Reyes - McGrath Family Farm - Ventura County Agricultural Education

The first time I saw and met Arturo Reyes his head was underneath the hood of an old pick up truck at McGrath Farm. This made perfect sense as Phil once explained, “Arturo is my right hand man here at the farm, he helps me with just about everything”. Arturo then proceeded to give me a big smile and immediately exclaimed before our interview began, “Beautiful day today”.

Arturo has worked with Phil for over 15 years and it ‘s evident he is part of McGrath’s extended family. They are partners in farm crime and taking the LA Farmer’s Market scene by storm. The Santa Monica Farmer’s Market clientle proves to have the most demand for their Ventura County Grown organic produce. Arturo oversees farming operations and with the help of his hard working harvesting team picks, cleans, packs and gets two truck loads of produce ready every Friday and makes the weekly pilgrimage to Santa Monica bright and early every Saturday morning. Up to forty gourmet chefs from around LA eagerly await his arrival to see what the weekly haul looks like. McGrath’s top rated fruit and veggies can be seen on as many as 20 – 80 LA restaurant menus any given week. They must know a great thing when they find it.

The most popular items at the McGrath Farm stand, off the 101 at Central, this month are English peas and baby broccoli. I gladly purchased both and have been adding them to salads and stir fries. They are fresh, delicious and proud to say local. This months harvest is beans and McGrath’s was one of the only farms I could find growing Fava Beans. If there are more bean farmers out there in VC let me know who you are.

Thank you Arturo Reyes for all you do and happy AG Day. For more information on the McGrath’s weekly/monthly hauls and the Farmer’s Markets and fine restaurants, like Lure in Camarillo and downtown Ventura, they supply visit McGrath Family Farm