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stem career pathways in agriculture

A Presentation for Middle & High Schoolers

In Ventura and Santa Barbara County, agriculture is a billion dollar industry. As the role of STEM becomes more and more integral to the progress and vitality of our communities, so does the role it plays in our local agriculture industry. STEM-related careers in agriculture offer significant and unique opportunities for our students to engage in areas such as innovative scientific research, problem-solving technology, and 21st century engineering. Our STEM Career Pathways in Agriculture presentation seeks to educate students about these opportunities and engage them in the ever-evolving world of agriculture!


program mission

The STEM Careers Pathways in Agriculture program aims to teach middle and high school students about the diverse job opportunities available in agriculture; from running a farm, to working in a food safety laboratory, and so much in between. Students are shown the pathways to achieving these jobs, including subjects to focus on in school, higher education related to agriculture, local scholarships and other opportunities.


student resources

get exploring!


program flyer

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scholarships & programs

Questions or inquiries?

Reach Out!

Seth Wilmoth - Program Director - seth@seeag.org

online links