Farmer of the Month: Erynn Smith of Join the Farm - Ventura County Agricultural Education

May 2014:
You can take the girls off the farm, but you can’t take the farm out of the girls. Both Erynn Smith, a member of historic Blanchard Family and Reyna Ortega, Join the Farm Manager, have deep roots in Ventura County Agriculture. I am always so proud of every women farmer I meet. They are always down to earth, have dirt under their nails and are the true mother’s of the earth. Young farmers Erynn Smith and Reyna Ortega make an excellent team at Join the Farm, which is located at Hansen Agricultural Center.

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The first time I met Erynn was at an AFA AG education committee meeting. She was glowing with excitement about being an Ag educator and farmer. She is very articulate, intelligent and walks the walk. I loved the fact when I arrived one of the first things she proclaimed was, “You have to meet Reyna Ortega. Reyna is the real Join the Farm Farm Manager. She immediately wanted to give credit to someone else.” We then found Reyna out with the rest of team picking carrots for the Ventura County Farm to School Program. Erynn was undoubtedly very proud they grow hundreds of pounds of produce for schools.

The Ventura County Farm to School is broadly defined as a program that connects schools (K-12) and local farms with the objectives of serving healthy meals in school cafeterias, improving student nutrition, providing agriculture, health and nutrition education opportunities, and supporting local and regional farmers. Living in Ventura County, one of the richest agricultural communities in the state, schools have the unique opportunity to connect with local farmers and improve children’s diet and knowledge of nutrition. To learn more about Farm to School – Healthy Ventura County

Thank you Join the Farm for doing all the wonderful things you do for Ventura County, especially for our Ventura County School Children. For more information go to Join the Farm

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